Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Participatory Video made by Chivoko Village, Solomon Islands

Conservation Story Blong Chivoko" was made by the men and women of the remote coastal village of Chivoko, accessible only by sea on the north-west tip of Choiseul Island, one of the Solomon Islands. Chivoko's tribal land is one of the last remaining intact and unlogged forests in the Solomon islands. Their reefs are important spawning sites for the grouper fish which come to lay their eggs every year for 2 months around May. Their story is an insight into the problems they are facing with increased pressure from logging companies, increasing population, declining forest and marine resources, and ensuing climate change. They provide solutions which may help other Solomon Island and other communities around the world, to also safeguard the abundance of resources for future generations to come... 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Le Web 2.0 apprivoisé: Expériences de femmes rurales en Afrique

Six mois après la formation préliminaire en bureautique et en web 2.0, les femmes de l’Union des Femmes Rurales d’Afrique de L’Ouest et du Tchad ( UFROAT ) se sont retrouvées du 16 au 20 novembre 2009 a Ouagadougou pour un recyclage. Pendant une semaine, une trentaine de femmes venues du Togo, du Bénin, du Mali, du Tchad, du Niger, de la Côte d’Ivoire et du Burkina ont amélioré leur usage des outils du web 2.0 dans les locaux et sous la direction technique de Yam Pukri, une association burkinabé spécialisée dans la promotion des TIC. Initiée concomitamment par I’UFROAT et le RESACIFROAT, cette formation bénéficie de l’appui financier et de I’ appui conseil du Centre Technique de Coopération Agricole et Rurale (CTA).

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Fighting for Survival: Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change in Kenya

“Fighting For Survival” is a passionate short video expressing the views of indigenous communities in Kenya on the radical impact of climate change on their lives.
Drought, deforestation and environmental degradation threaten the economic and cultural survival of forest-dwelling and nomadic indigenous peoples in Kenya, posing a life-and-death challenge to these fragile cultures.
Featured indigenous communities include the Ogiek of the Mau Forest, The Yiaku of the Mukogodo Forest, the Ilchamus pastoralists of Lake Baringo and the Samburu nomadic pastoralists of northern Kenya.

Produced by the Indigenous Peoples of Africa Co-ordinating Committee (IPACC) and the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Launch of the Participatory Mapping Training Kit announced

Participatory mapping and development practitioners, activists and researchers identified the lack of training materials as a major constraint in the spread of good participatory mapping / PGIS practice. An initiative launched by CTA and other development partners will lead to the production of a modular, multimedia and multilingual training kit for trainers. The kit will ensure that participatory mapping and communication practices evolve and spread in an ethically conscious manner, ensuring that indigenous and other marginalised communities are effective in documenting, representing, and communicating their spatial knowledge, while taking a high degree of control over the process. It is understood that good practice would add value and authority to local knowledge, facilitate inter-generational knowledge exchange, contribute to building and supporting a cohesive community identity, and support sustainable planning through collaborative decision-making.